Two wanderers who strive to pursue a passion for art & continue to admire the little things in life

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Weird Life Hacks part 2

1. Say Goodbye to Makeup Wipes and Oils
  • Have you ever experienced irritation from a makeup wipe? Makeup removal wipes can cause serious blotching for sensitive and dry skin. I have found that coconut oil can be used significantly as a makeup removal tool. It is known for being a natural lubricant and for doing wonders for inflammation and bacterial build-up.
Here are some steps in applying organic coconut oil to your eyelids:

1. Lather a palm size amount of coconut oil.

2. Gently rub onto you eyelid and let the oil seep in.

3. Use a soft kleenex to wipe off excess,

2. How to Reopen a Sealed Envelope 
  •  Have you ever wanted to add a little more to that letter/card that you already sealed and stamped?
Here are some steps to prevent you from having to use a new envelope and stamp, but rather allows you to reopen the envelope:
  1. First of all, don't tear the seal. Place the envelope in the fridge for about 5 minutes. 

      2. After 5 or 10 minutes, you will be able to unseal the envelope.

      3. Reseal using glue stick. 

    3. How to Remove Wax from Fabric
    • You will need: A few sheets of paper/paper towel and an iron.
    1. Turn the iron on medium. Sandwich the waxed covered fabric between the sheets of paper.
         2. Gently iron the paper. Replace with new sheet of paper/paper towel once the paper has absorbed the wax. Repeat process until all the wax has been removed from the fabric.

    Sunday, August 14, 2016

    Homemade Orange Infused Bath Salt

    This rich orange infused bath salt is supplied with orange essential oil, dried rose petals, epsom salt, himalayan bath flakes, and a few drops of coloring to make it delightfully fragrant. 
    To use: fill the tub half way, add a hand worth of salt to the water, and be sure to relax with the salt in place.
    The bath salt will help your body feel refreshed and relaxed.

    Thursday, June 30, 2016

    Traveling Tips:

    • Here are some guidelines in planning a trip outside of your hometown or country:
    1. Pre-plan. Pre-plan your travel time, your flight, hotel, the sites you want to see, the outfits you plan to wear. Pre-plan all of it.
    2. Make sure to bring /and or buy a fanny pack / go belt. This investment will help in protecting your valuables from people who would want to get a chance at pick pocketing your items. 
    3. Learn the language. If you are traveling to a different country than your own, study & understand the dialect, and the pronunciation. By doing so, provides security in where you're staying. 
    4. Stay hydrated & well protected. Bring a bottle of water if you are hiking or walking long distances. Don't forget to pack sun screen so no harsh rays will get to you. 
    5.  Be open-minded. This culture may not be what you have expected or have ever experienced, and if that is the case; learn to not judge but learn to grasp the concepts, the motives, even the individuals you may come to know.
    6. Don't be shy, and take photos! Have a chance to absorb where you are at. Not too often do we get the chance like this, to explore, and to venture out. Just enjoy yourself!

      Thursday, March 31, 2016

      Weird Life Hacks

      1. Cleansing Conditioner
      •  You'll need: Plain Greek Yogurt, Egg Yoke (not the egg white), 1 Teaspoon of  Apple Cider Vinegar, and an Essential Oil (Orange, Lavender, etc)

      • Rinse the egg yolk until none of the white remains. Then mix all of the ingredients until the consistency resembles conditioner. 
      • How to use: Pour the mixture over your head and massage it into your scalp. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse with cool water. (This life hack helps those with dandruff or a greasy scalp.)

      2. A Shoe-Smell Eraser 
      •  You'll need: A Pair of Your Smelliest Shoes and a Few Tea Bags

      •  Place the tea bags in the shoes and let them sit overnight. This life hack helps deodorize smelly shoes.

      3. A Long-Awaited Mascara Renewal Trick
      •  You'll need: Mascara and Saline Solution  
      • Dribble a few drops inside the container of mascara. This will help create a longer use and will save you bucks since you won't have to buy a whole new tube.

      Saturday, December 19, 2015

      Handcrafted Coffee Mugs

      These miniature mugs were handcrafted on a wheel and can hold about 1/3 cup of your favorite beverage. Perfect for a small dose of caffeine to keep you going during those long, winter afternoons. The cups themselves are cream colored with accents of caramel.

      Sunday, October 18, 2015

      Homemade Chai Tea Recipe:


      1/4 teaspoon fennel seed
      1/4 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
      1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
      1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
      1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
      2 cups of milk
      3 black tea bags
      (Extra: cotton draw string bag) 

       Put all spices into cotton draw string bag.

      Heat milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.

      Next, add the tea bags and draw string bag to the pan. Let the milk and ingredients steep for about 10 minutes. Don't let the milk boil.

      Lastly, sprinkle with cinnamon & a little sweetener and enjoy :)